Projet Cyrano

Renaud DAVID Renaud DAVID is a physician and psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Nice (CHU de Nice). His areas of expertise include the diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, psycho-organic comorbidities in the elderly, and the follow-up and care of concussions in high-level athletes. He is also interested in the links between olfaction and neurodegenerative diseases and the use of new technologies (ICT) in health. He is the president of NICE BRAIN (Azuréenne Association for Brain Research). He also serves as a concussion reference for the French Football Federation (FFF) and the French Federation of Combat Sports. In 2022, he co-authored the Cyrano Project with Symine Salimpour and perfumer, teacher, and osmothecary Bruno Hervé, developing the method “Mom, you speak my language!” aimed at facilitating the acclimatization of internationally adopted children in their new families and homelands, as well as supporting adoption candidates through olfactory means. In 2023, the Cyrano Project gave birth to the method “A COFFEE AND A PERFUME,” intended to soothe war-traumatized victims and assist them in regaining self-esteem.


– Doctor of Medicine, Psychiatry specialty
– Doctor of Life and Health Sciences
– Former External at the Paris Hospitals
– Former Internal at the Nice Hospitals
– Former Clinic Head at the Faculty of Medicine of Nice
– Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, USA


– 2018-2020 University Diploma in Innovative Pedagogy, University Côte d’Azur, Nice
– 2017 Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR), University Nice Sophia-Antipolis
– 2012 PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University Nice Sophia-Antipolis
– 2008 University Diploma (DU) in Sleep and Vigilance Pathologies (1 year), Faculty of Medicine of Nice
– 2007-2008 Interuniversity Diploma (DIU) in General and Specialized Psychopharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Paris Saint-Antoine (2 years)
– 2007 State Diploma of Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Nice
– 2007 Diploma of Specialized Studies (DES) in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine of Nice
– 2005-2006 Master II in Science, Technology, and Health, specializing in Pharmacology-Physiology-Neurobiology for Research, Faculty of Sciences, Nice Sophia-Antipolis
– 2004-2005 Master’s Degree in Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Paris XI

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

– 2020 – Present: Hospital Practitioner, CHU Nice, RAV Division
– 2010-2011: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University, CA, USA
– 2008-2020: Assistant Professor, Memory Resource and Research Center, CHU Nice
– 2007: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, CHU Nice
– 2003-2007: Medical Internship, CHU Nice

Summaries of Activities and Achievements

Clinical Hospital Activity

Hospital practitioner at CHU de Nice, RAV division (Rehabilitation, Autonomy, Aging), CHU Nice. My main clinical activity focuses on screening, managing, and monitoring cognitive and memory disorders related to Alzheimer’s disease and similar conditions.

Scientific research activity

Industrial Research
Participation for 15 years in industrial research activities: clinical trials for the development of new drugs for the treatment of cognitive, memory, and psycho-behavioral disorders in neurodegenerative diseases.

Olfaction and health
Member of the GDR O3 “Odorant, Odor, Olfaction,” I have participated in several studies on the use of odorants as non-pharmacological management tools (ANR SafEE). I collaborate with the Institute of Chemistry of Nice on the development of olfactory tests for ecological use in outpatient consultation centers and the development of olfactory agents to manage affective disorders (anxiety, depression) and motivation in aging pathologies.

New technologies in health

Development and evaluation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in health for early screening, monitoring, and management of affective disorders (anxiety, depression, loss of motivation), behavioral disorders (agitation, aggression, irritability), cognitive and memory disorders, loss of functional autonomy in frailty syndrome, cognitive and memory disorders, and sports-related concussions. The developed tools include: motion measurement (actigraphy), serious games, exergames, connected odor diffusers, virtual reality tools, objective measurement of psychophysiological response, and ambulatory EEG.

Concussion and Sport

Establishment of a specialized consultation dedicated to screening, monitoring, and cognitive rehabilitation in athletes who have experienced a concussion in their sports practice, and the establishment of a dedicated scientific research activity, a local and national network of medical, paramedical, and research professionals interested in the topic. Affiliation with professional clubs (OGC Nice, AS Monaco, Nice Ice Hockey).

Network Activity and Representation

Member of the Organizing Committee of the French Congress of Psychiatry (CFP)

Initially a member of the “Young Psychiatrists” committee of the CFP, I joined the national organizing committee in 2019, which organizes the annual French Congress of Psychiatry (11th edition), bringing together around 4000 participants (doctors, caregivers) in the field of mental health. Vice-president of the French Congress of Psychiatry 2022.


Member of the “Week of Sound” Association and Organizer of the “Week of Sound of UNESCO” Nice Edition

The “Week of Sound” association is declared of general interest ( It coordinates, nationally, the “Week of Sound of UNESCO” event and gradually extends its action to partner countries ( Locally, I organized, with various colleagues from CHU Nice and UCA, the first Week of Sound of UNESCO in Nice (with the NICE BRAIN association) and the 2020, 2021, and 2022 editions of the Week of Sound of UNESCO in Nice.

Concussion Reference for the FFF (French Football Federation)

The goal is to coordinate, in the territory 06, the “concussion” patient pathway, mainly related to sports practice, and to offer early follow-up with cognitive and psychological care strategies, as well as to raise public awareness and sports clubs about the short, medium, and long-term risks of concussions. Our team works with football clubs OGC Nice and AS Monaco (and their training centers), Nice Hockey Club, and amateur sports clubs in the department to raise awareness of best practices to minimize the risks of concussions, especially among the youngest.

NICE BRAIN Association (law 1901)

I serve as the president of the association, which aims, through meetings between specialists from various disciplines, public actions and events, scientific congresses, and scientific research, to: 1/ facilitate the development and dissemination of knowledge about the brain, emotions, sensory experiences, and motor skills (neurobiology, psychiatry, neurology, chemistry and olfaction, sports brain injuries, sound music and brain, nerve muscle and motor skills, art and neuroscience), among professionals, the general public, and young audiences, 2/ promote and improve the training of professionals and students in neuroscience, 3/ promote exchanges between professionals within the framework of joint works.

Publications in English in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

– Barré T, Ramier C, Mounir I, David R, Menvielle L, Marcellin F, Carrieri P, Protopopescu C, Cherikh F. Mindfulness as a Protective Factor Against Increased Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Hospital Workers Following the First COVID-19-Related Lockdown: a Study in Southern France. Int J Ment Health Addict. 2022 Jan 23:1-21.
– Barré T, Ramier C, Mounir I, Renaud D, Menvielle L, Marcellin F, Carrieri P, Protopopescu C, Cherikh F. Examining the Relationships between Mindfulness and Tobacco Craving Factors. Subst Use Misuse. 2022;57(4):656-659.
– Domain L, Guillery M, Linz N, König A, Batail JM, David R, Corouge I, Bannier E, Ferré JC, Dondaine T, Drapier D, Robert GH. Multimodal MRI cerebral correlates of verbal fluency switching and its impairment in women with depression. Neuroimage Clin. 2022;33:102910. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102910. Epub 2021 Dec 6.
– Gallet Q, Bouteloup V, Locatelli M, Habert MO, Chupin M, Delrieu J, Lebouvier T, Robert G, David R, Bulteau S, Balageas AC, Surget A, Belzung C, Arlicot N, Ribeiro MJ, Barantin L, Andersson F, Cottier JP, Gissot V, El-Hage W, Camus V, Gohier B, Desmidt T; MEMENTO study group. Benzodiazepine use and neuroimaging markers of Alzheimer’s disease in non-demented older individuals: an MRI and 18F Florbetapir PET study in the MEMENTO cohort. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021 Dec 10. doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-01246-5. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34893757.
– Mounir I, Menvielle L, Perlaza S, Chênevert D, Planchard JH, Fabre R